Оpen-source backend for SurveyJS

What is Endatix

Endatix is a free and open-source backend for SurveyJS projects that can be integrated into any .NET Core project or set up in a container as a standalone application. Its database persistance provider makes it easy to store JSON form schema and form submissions. It also features a REST API that enables any frontend to be paired with it, regardless of whether it uses React, Vue, Angular, or JQuery.

Software architecture diagram

Features that Save Time

Endatix closely follows the Clean Architecture principles and offers everything you need to hit the ground running with your SurveyJS project.

Fluent API

Chained configuration methods for a cleaner and more readable initialization:

var endatixBuilder = builder.CreateEndatix()

Persistence of Forms and Submissions

Persist SurveyJS form schema and submissions to a database:

FormDefinitionResponse form = await _endatixClient
     .GetActiveDefinitionAsync(id, cancellationToken);
var formJson = form.JsonData

REST API Endpoints

The API layer provides endpoints for SurveyJS CRUD operations:

var app = builder.Build();


Event Handling

Subscribe to form submission events and trigger workflows:

public async Task Handle(SubmissionCompletedEvent myEvent,
        CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            {      }

Get Started in Minutes!

Integrate Endatix into your .NET Core project with your favorite package manager or download it directly from NuGet:

  Download Endatix from NuGet


# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/endatix/endatix.git

# Navigate to the project directory
cd endatix

# Build the project
dotnet build

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Endatix is a free and open-source library, licensed under the MIT License and may be used for commercial projects. Please see the license file included with the official repository on GitHub.
Currently, Endatix supports Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL. We plan to continue adding support for other types. Since the library uses Entity Framework Core, it could be extended relatively easily with custom persistance providers.
No. While the platform is written in C#, we provide a containerized version, which you can run alongside your solution in any Docker-compatible environment.
No, the SurveyJS Form library is also licensed under the MIT open-source license and is free for commercial use. However, if you would like to include the SurveyJS Creator with your solution, then you must obtain a license. Please see SurveyJS's licensing page for more information.
You can report bugs, request features, or ask questions about the library through the issues tab on the GitHub repo. Please contact us directly if you require consulting, training, or development services.
Not at this time, but it is on our roadmap. Please contact us for more information.