Customer Satisfaction Surveys and the Beginning of the SurveyJS Content Series

Collecting Customer Feedback

These days your customers have many options for letting you know whether they are satisfied with your product or not. They can use social media, reviews on ecommerce sites, ratings on app stores and so on. Unfortunately, they are most likely to volunteer this information when they are not satisfied. And while that type of unsolicited feedback can be very useful to your organization, there are two problems with it. The first problem is that it is public and it will affect your product’s reputation. And the second problem is that by the time it gets to you it might be too late. Some studies suggest that for every customer who takes the time to leave a bad review, there are 100 others that feel the same way but didn’t take the time to voice their opinions.

Companies need to be proactive and collect customer satisfaction feedback early and on a regular basis. That’s why customer satisfaction surveys are very common.

Survey Design

Designing a good customer satisfaction survey is not easy. It needs to be brief-enough, so that more of your customers are willing to spare the time to respond without you providing any incentives. It also needs to ask questions that are not too intrusive, so that your customers don’t feel like you are invading their privacy. And finally, the questions need to be crafted in a way that doesn’t create the opportunity for bias.

Insights and Benchmarking

It is also important to have a good strategy for running your customer satisfaction surveys on a regular basis so that you can benchmark the results over time. That way the analytics of the results will give you valuable insights into whether customer satisfaction has been improving or declining.

Content for SurveyJS

We have had to run customer satisfaction surveys for many customers already. If you are integrating SurveyJS into a software solution, there is a good chance your application might also need to run a similar survey.

We have decided to start a series of SurveyJS content-focused articles and share JSON templates for common types of surveys and forms. You can use them freely as-is or as starter kits that you can modify to fit your specific needs.

In addition to the series of blog posts, these templates will be available in a dedicated repository on GitHub.

And finally, here’s the template:

 "title": "Customer Satisfaction Survey Template",
 "logoPosition": "right",
 "pages": [
   "name": "page1",
   "elements": [
     "type": "rating",
     "name": "Likely To Recommend",
     "title": "How likely is it that you would recommend this company to a friend or colleague?",
     "rateMax": 10
     "type": "radiogroup",
     "name": "Satisfied Or Dissatisfied With Company",
     "title": "Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company?",
     "choices": [
       "value": "Very Satisfied",
       "text": "Very satisfied"
       "value": "Somewhat Satisfied",
       "text": "Somewhat satisfied"
       "value": "Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied",
       "text": "Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied"
       "value": "Somewhat Dissatisfied",
       "text": "Somewhat dissatisfied"
       "value": "Very Dissatisfied",
       "text": "Very dissatisfied"
     "type": "checkbox",
     "name": "Describe Our Products",
     "title": "How would you describe our products and services? Select all that apply.",
     "choices": [
       "value": "High Quality",
       "text": "High quality"
       "value": "Good Value For Money",
       "text": "Good value for money"
       "value": "item6",
       "text": "Overpriced"
       "value": "Overpriced",
       "text": "Impractical"
       "value": "Poor Quality",
       "text": "Poor quality"
     "type": "radiogroup",
     "name": "How well did we meet your needs",
     "title": "How well did our products and services meet your needs?",
     "choices": [
       "value": "Extremely Well",
       "text": "Extremely well"
       "value": "Very Well",
       "text": "Very well"
       "value": "Somewhat Well",
       "text": "Somewhat well"
       "value": "Not So Well",
       "text": "Not so well"
       "value": "Not At All Well",
       "text": "Not at all well"
     "type": "radiogroup",
     "name": "Rate Value For Money",
     "title": "How would you rate the value for money of our products or services?",
     "choices": [
       "value": "Above Average",
       "text": "Above average"
       "value": "Below Average",
       "text": "Below average"
     "type": "radiogroup",
     "name": "Rate the quality of products and services",
     "title": "How would you rate the quality of our products and services?",
     "choices": [
       "value": "Very high",
       "text": "Very high quality"
       "value": "High",
       "text": "High quality"
       "value": "Neither High Nor Low",
       "text": "Neither high nor low quality"
       "value": "Low",
       "text": "Low quality"
       "value": "Very Low",
       "text": "Very low quality"
     "type": "radiogroup",
     "name": "How Responsive Have We Been",
     "title": "How responsive have we been to your questions support requests?",
     "choices": [
       "value": "Extremely Responseive",
       "text": "Extremely responsive"
       "value": "Very Responseive",
       "text": "Very responsive"
       "value": "Somewhat Responseive",
       "text": "Somewhat responsive"
       "value": "Not So Responseive",
       "text": "Not so responsive"
       "value": "Not At All Responseive",
       "text": "Not at all responsive"
     "hasNone": true,
     "noneText": "Not applicable"
     "type": "radiogroup",
     "name": "How Long Have You Been A Customer",
     "title": "How long have you been a customer of ours?",
     "choices": [
       "value": "First Purchase",
       "text": "This is my first purchase"
       "value": "Less Than Six Months",
       "text": "Less than six months"
       "value": "Six To Twelve Months",
       "text": "Six months to a year"
       "value": "One To Two Years",
       "text": "1 - 2 years"
       "value": "Three Or More Years",
       "text": "3 or more years"
       "value": "Have Not Purchased Yet",
       "text": "I haven't made a purchase yet"
     "type": "radiogroup",
     "name": "How Likely To Purchase",
     "title": "How likely are you to purchase any of our products or services again?",
     "choices": [
       "value": "Extremely Likely",
       "text": "Extremely likely"
       "value": "Very Likely",
       "text": "Very likely"
       "value": "Somewhat Likely",
       "text": "Somewhat likely"
       "value": "Not so Likely",
       "text": "Not so likely"
       "value": "Not at all Likely",
       "text": "Not at all likely"
     "type": "comment",
     "name": "Other Comments",
     "title": "Do you have any other questions or comments?"
     "type": "boolean",
     "name": "Can We Contact You",
     "title": "Can we contact you if we have questions about your feedback?"
     "type": "text",
     "name": "Email Address",
     "visibleIf": "{Can We Contact You} = true",
     "title": "What is your email address?",
     "validators": [
       "type": "email"
 "questionsOnPageMode": "singlePage"

How We Can Help

We offer expert advice on architecture, provide training for SurveyJS and the Endatix backend, and assist with development and implementation of your solution. Feel free to contact us—we're passionate about software and always happy to chat!

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